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Workshops and Training

Improve your knowledge and develop strategies to get clients and grow your business with updated and relevant small business workshops and seminars by Lofa Consulting.

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Our Trainings
Support Coordinator Training | Lofaconsulting

Become a Support Coordinator: Learn the Essential Skills of Support Coordination

Register now and start your journey to becoming a support coordinator! This event is for anyone who is interested in becoming a support coordinator or who wants to learn more about the field. The training will be led by experienced support coordinators, in partnership with Lofa Consulting, who will share their knowledge and expertise. You will learn the skills and knowledge you need to provide effective support to people with disabilities and mental health.

1st Session : September 15, 2023
2nd Session : September 29, 2023
Time : 9:30am - 3:30pm
Understanding Policies and Processes | Lofa Consulting

Understanding Policies and Processes

Understanding the policies and processes of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) including your organisation is crucial for success as a disability services provider. This training will provide guidance on how to follow and stay on track with the NDIS rules and regulations, ensuring compliance and the provision of the best possible support to people with disabilities.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Support Coordination Level 2 | Lofa Consulting

Support Coordination Level 2

As a Level 2 support coordinator, you will receive training to help participants design and build their support services. You will learn how to guide them in understanding their NDIS plan, the allocation of their funds, and how to form a network of formal and informal supports. Your role is to empower participants to make informed decisions about their supports and help them achieve their goals.

1st Session : Oct 20, 2023
2nd Session : November 17, 2023
$548.90 GST Inclusive
Level 3 Support Coordinator | Lofa Consulting

Support Coordination Level 3

As a Level 3 support coordinator, you will receive specialized training to help reduce the complexity of a participant's support environment. You will learn how to negotiate and deliver assistance to provide better support solutions for those with high-complex needs. Through this training, you will be equipped to support participants in navigating complex systems and managing challenging situations effectively.

1st Session : November 17, 2023
2nd Session : November 24, 2023
$599 GST Inclusive
Psychosocial Recovery Coaching | Lofa Consulting

Psychosocial Recovery Coaching

The Psychosocial Recovery Coaching training aims to equip coaches with the skills to support participants with psychosocial disabilities in taking control of their lives and managing the complexities they face. You will learn how to deliver effective psychosocial support that involves the participants, their families, carers, and other support providers. The focus is on helping participants achieve their goals, increase their independence, and improve their overall wellbeing.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Lofa Consulting Training 5


By attending this training, you will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively differentiate between the three NDIS housing options and identify the most suitable accommodation and disability support services for each participant. This will enable you to make informed decisions and provide better support to participants, resulting in improved outcomes and greater satisfaction for both participants and their families.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Lofa Consulting Training 6

How to Get NDIS Participants Referrals

The How to Get NDIS Participants Referrals training is designed to help grow your business by increasing your enquiries and attracting eligible participants to your services. This training provides professional marketing advice that specifically focuses on getting more participants, including clear marketing strategies and creating an ideal client profile. With this training, you will learn how to effectively market your services and attract more participants to your business.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Lofa Consulting Training 1

Understanding the NDIS Practice Standards

Understanding the NDIS Practice Standards is crucial for the success of your NDIS business. This training provides the latest information about your business's category in the NDIS practice standards, ensuring that you deliver the quality of services you are expected to offer. By following and living by the NDIS practice standards, you can establish your business as a trusted and reliable service provider to attract more participants.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Lofa Consulting Training 6

NDIS Provider Governance and Operations Management

Attain a comprehensive understanding of NDIS Provider Governance and Operations Management, and discover how you can effectively manage your NDIS business for the benefit of your staff and participants. This training will concentrate on the managerial aspect of running an NDIS business, imparting the knowledge and skills required to develop efficient business solutions during times of crisis. By participating in this training, you will be equipped with the tools and strategies necessary to operate an NDIS business effectively, ensuring the delivery of high-quality services to participants and the success of your business.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
NDIS Provider Human Resources | Lofa Consulting

NDIS Provider Human Resources

Receive guidance from Lofa on NDIS Provider Human Resources and discover how to select the most capable and committed professionals to work as disability providers. This training will focus on teaching you how to conduct employee assessments, interviews, and other effective application processes for your business. By attending this training, you will acquire the knowledge and skills required to attract and retain top talent, ensuring the delivery of high-quality services to NDIS participants.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
About | Lofa Consulting second

NDIS Provider Time Management

Learn how to manage time effectively as an NDIS Provider, particularly when handling a large number of participants, to avoid staff burnout and maintain high levels of productivity. This training will provide practical solutions to help you and your employees manage schedules efficiently and introduce you to useful scheduling platforms. By participating in this training, you will acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to optimize time management in your NDIS business, enhance employee performance, and provide high-quality services to participants.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA

NDIS Provider Marketing Basics

Gain essential marketing skills for your NDIS business, particularly if you are just starting, through Lofa's NDIS Provider Marketing Basics training. This training will equip you with effective marketing strategies that can increase the number of your referrals and grow your income. By participating in this training, you will learn how to create a marketing plan, identify your target audience, develop marketing messages, and use various marketing channels to promote your NDIS services. This will enable you to attract more participants, expand your business, and achieve your organizational goals.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Understanding the NDIS | Lofa Consulting

Understanding the NDIS

Acquire a thorough understanding of the NDIS before embarking on your business plan through this training. Gain insights into how the NDIS works, the registration process, prospective clients, and the disability network of the country. By attending this training, you will be equipped with the foundational knowledge necessary to make informed decisions about your NDIS business and better support NDIS participants. You will also be able to navigate the complex NDIS system with greater ease, ensuring that your business operates within the established guidelines and meets the needs of participants.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Becoming a NDIS Provider | Lofa Consulting

Becoming a NDIS Provider

Receive comprehensive support from Lofa in establishing your NDIS business, from the initial registration process to launching and operating your business successfully. This training will provide you with a step-by-step guide to completing your NDIS registration and setting up your business. By participating in this training, you will gain the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complex NDIS registration process, meet regulatory requirements, and establish a successful NDIS business. Lofa will be your reliable support system throughout the entire process, ensuring that you have the tools and resources to succeed.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
NDIS Provider Directors Responsibilities | Lofa Consulting

NDIS Provider Director's Responsibilities

Assume your responsibilities as an NDIS Provider Director with confidence and competence through this training. Leading an NDIS business is a challenging but fulfilling endeavour, and we are here to provide you with the necessary guidance and support to succeed. This training will equip you with a thorough understanding of your responsibilities as an NDIS Provider Director, including legal and ethical obligations, financial management, risk management, and quality assurance. By attending this training, you will be better equipped to lead your NDIS business effectively, ensuring that your organization provides high-quality services to participants while complying with regulatory requirements.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Level 3 Support Coordinator | Lofa Consulting

How do you Stand Out as a Good NDIS Provider

Learn how to stand out as an exceptional NDIS Provider amidst a competitive industry through this training. As the NDIS provider business continues to grow, it's essential to know how to distinguish yourself from competitors. This training will equip you with the key points and strategies to achieve your goal of being a top disability provider. By participating in this training, you will learn how to provide exceptional participant experiences, identify, and meet participant needs, foster positive relationships with participants and their families, and continuously improve your service delivery. These skills and strategies will enable you to stand out as an exceptional NDIS Provider, attracting more participants and growing your business.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Networking Outside the Company | Lofa Consulting

Networking Outside the Company

Discover the value of networking and partnering with other organisations and disability-related companies to grow your NDIS business through this training. Lofa will guide you through the process of building meaningful connections and networks to help your business thrive. By attending this training, you will learn how to identify potential partners and collaborations, develop and maintain professional relationships, and leverage these connections to expand your reach and increase your business growth. This training will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to harness the power of networking, helping you to build a strong foundation for your NDIS business's success.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Performance Management | Lofa Consulting

Performance Management

Learn effective performance management strategies to ensure the quality of your services and the productivity of your staff through this training. Lofa will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to oversee and manage staff performance, measure the quality of your services, and identify areas for improvement. By participating in this training, you will learn how to set performance goals, provide feedback and coaching, manage underperforming staff, and create a positive work environment that promotes staff engagement and productivity. This training will help you establish a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that your NDIS business consistently delivers high-quality services and meets participant needs.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Hiring Strategies | Lofa Consulting

Hiring Strategies

Learn the most effective hiring strategies to attract and retain top talent and maintain the quality of your services through this training. Lofa will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to screen and evaluate applicants, conduct effective interviews, and select the best candidates for your NDIS business. By participating in this training, you will learn how to create job descriptions that accurately reflect job requirements, identify key skills and competencies required for the position, conduct reference checks, and develop an onboarding program to ensure new hires are effectively integrated into your team. This training will help you establish a solid recruitment and selection process, ensuring that your NDIS business attracts and retains top talent to deliver high-quality services to your participants.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Handling a Difficult Participant | Lofa Consulting

Handling a Difficult Participant

Join this training to learn useful and professional approaches in handling participants with difficult behaviours. Lofa will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively manage challenging situations with participants, ensuring their safety and wellbeing while maintaining a positive and supportive environment. By participating in this training, you will learn how to identify and understand different types of difficult behaviours, establish clear boundaries and expectations, use effective communication strategies, and de-escalate difficult situations. This training will help you establish a culture of respect and empathy, ensuring that your NDIS business consistently delivers high-quality services to all participants, including those with challenging behaviours.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Developing Corporate Behavior | Lofa Consulting

Developing Corporate Behavior

Learn how to develop and maintain professional corporate behaviour in your NDIS business through this training. Lofa will provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to establish and maintain a professional image and culture within your organization. By participating in this training, you will learn how to develop and communicate clear standards of behaviour and conduct, establish, and maintain ethical and legal compliance, foster a culture of respect and inclusivity, and develop effective communication and conflict resolution strategies. This training will help you establish a culture of professionalism and respect, ensuring that your NDIS business operates in a manner that reflects positively on your participants, employees, and the wider disability community.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
NDIS Communication Strategies | Lofa Consulting

NDIS Provider Communication Strategies

Effective communication is essential in running an NDIS business. Through this training, Lofa will equip you with the necessary communication strategies to effectively engage with your staff, participants, their families, and other partner organisations. By participating in this training, you will learn how to communicate clearly and concisely, build trust and rapport, manage conflicts and challenging conversations, and tailor communication to suit different audiences. You will also learn how to utilise various communication platforms and tools to maximise the effectiveness of your communication efforts. This training will provide you with the skills to ensure that all members of your NDIS business can communicate effectively, ensuring a positive and successful business outcome.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Communicating NDIS Language | Lofa Consulting

Communicating NDIS Language

Effective communication is crucial in the NDIS business, especially when it comes to using the appropriate language and terminologies. This training will equip you with the necessary knowledge and skills to communicate in a linguistically and culturally appropriate manner with your participants and their families. By participating in this training, you will learn how to avoid using offensive language, understand cultural differences, and effectively communicate with participants who have limited English proficiency. You will also learn how to utilise appropriate language and terminologies that align with the NDIS guidelines, policies, and procedures. This training will help you to be more culturally aware and open to diverse participants, enabling you to provide a more inclusive and person-centred service.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Basic Bookkeeping | Lofa Consulting

Basic Bookkeeping

Join Lofa's Basic Bookkeeping training and gain the knowledge and skills to manage your NDIS business finances effectively. Learn the importance of accurate and timely bookkeeping, including the right accounting procedures and record-keeping practices. With this training, you can confidently handle financial transactions, track expenses and revenues, and create financial statements that reflect the financial health of your business.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA
Basic Bookkeeping | Lofa Consulting

Basic Accounting for NDIS Providers

By attending our Basic Accounting for NDIS Provider training, you will learn the fundamental principles of accounting and how to apply them to your NDIS business. This training will provide you with the necessary skills and knowledge to manage your finances effectively, including creating financial statements, tracking expenses and revenues, and monitoring cash flow. With this training, you can confidently make informed financial decisions for your business.

Duration: TBA
Price: TBA

What Our Clients Say

Lofa Consulting supports numerous NDIS service providers and business owners in growing their enterprise. Learn what the NDIS providers near us have to say about our team and our business consultancy services

Our Services

What We Provide

Lofa Consulting stands as one of the most dependable NDIS consultants for “NDIS service providers near me”. With the range of services we offer for NDIS providers in Melbourne and other small businesses, we make sure to produce cost-efficient results in a short period of time. Realise your entrepreneurial dreams with ease and minimised risks here at Lofa Consulting. We proudly present the ways we can assist you:
NDIS Provider Consultant | Lofa Consulting

NDIS Consultancy

Establish an NDIS business with our guidance and assistance. We are experts in NDIS provider registration and recertification, and we can handle any changes in your NDIS registration. Lofa knows everything and anything about NDIS!

Website and Development | Lofa Consulting Service

Website Development

In need of a great NDIS website for your business? Our creative and innovative web developers can help take your business website to a whole new level. We listen to your needs and create effective end-results that can boost your marketing & sales.

Accounting Services | Lofa Consulting Service

Accounting Services

Free yourself from the stress of minding your business’ accounting and taxation needs. We have a team of trustworthy and professional accountants and tax practitioners that can manage your finances and give intelligent business advise.

Ready to Take Your NDIS Business to the Next Level?

Take the first step to achieving your goals as a registered NDIS provider with the help of Lofa Consulting. Get in touch with us today to schedule an initial consultation with our NDIS expert, Gemeh Kromah.

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