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5 Strategies For Marketing Your Services and Products to NDIS Participants

5 Strategies for Marketing Your Services and Products to NDIS Participants | Blog
After investing time, effort, and money needed to become an NDIS registered provider. Are you wondering what is the best way to market your NDIS business and how will you get your first NDIS client?

Marketing strategy is critical for businesses of all sizes. Businesses can attract clients in a variety of ways. Hiring a professional business consulting firm is vital; Lofa Consulting is one of Melbourne’s leading NDIS consultants.

We are NDIS experts and can help you grow your business. We’ve compiled our five marketing strategies for NDIS Providers to use when targeting NDIS Participants:

5 Cost Effective Marketing Strategies For Your Business

1. Word of Mouth

It is a well-known fact that the disability community is highly connected and that word of mouth is a great deal. This is your best and inexpensive marketing strategy. Clients will spread the word about you if you care after them and provide a genuinely “person-centered” service.

It’s likely to be referred to a new customer by an existing one. This is referred to as “word of mouth.” Positive word of mouth attracts clients, whereas negative word of mouth drives clients away.

2. Establish Connection with NDIS Gatekeepers or Referral

Most service providers get referrals from NDIS support coordinators and local area coordinators or NDIS LAC. Additionally, other service providers such as therapists, primary care doctors, specialists, advocates, and even your “competitors” may refer you, if they are at capacity, they may recommend you to potential clients.

To spot potential referrers, consider the types of professionals with whom your target clients are most likely to interact and rely on.

3. Connect with Local Government

Local governments must have a Disability Inclusion Plan in order to comply with federal law. Contact the local council’s Disability Inclusion Officer and request participation in their community directory by providing them your services.

4. Invest in Digital Marketing

Online marketing is a great option. Among the different digital marketing strategies are google ads marketing, search engine optimization (SEO), Facebook ads, etc.

With online marketing, you can typically monitor your profit using metrics like clicks or “sign-ups” and promptly adjust the content or approach of your marketing 

Additionally, you can create your own advertising budget and toggle it on and off as needed. Professional support is available from specialized digital marketing providers.

Lofa Consulting can help you establish an online presence and design an effective website; we provide web development services that will definitely help you grow your business online!

5. Sending Emails

You can collect relevant people’s email addresses and ask for permission to send them information about your business when visiting networking events, conferences, and expos.

Maintain this email list and send relevant updates on a regular basis like monthly, particularly when launching new services or expanding into new areas. You  can use several tools to manage massive lists of email addresses.

Lofa Consulting is the NDIS Expert You Are Looking For

Turn to Lofa Consulting to successfully grow your business in Melbourne, Australia. We offer business consulting services in Melbourne, such as accountancy, training, workshops, and website design and development that will help your business succeed.

Now is the time to invest in professional consulting services to help you grow your business.  Book a consultation with Lofa Consulting now!

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